• 19 марта 2019, вторник
  • Москва, ул. Малая Ордынка, дом 17, ауд. 104

Round table discussion: “World Trade & Economic Sanctions”

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Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
1865 дней назад
19 марта 2019 c 10:30 до 13:00
ул. Малая Ордынка, дом 17, ауд. 104

On March 19 Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and the Fletcher School of Law and International Relations will gather leading international experts at the Higher School of Economics to discuss the role of sanctions in modern international relations, current trends in global trade and future prospects for the world economy.

On March 19 Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and the Fletcher School of Law and International Relations will gather leading international experts at the Higher School of Economics to discuss the role of sanctions in modern international relations, current trends in global trade and future prospects for the world economy.

In particular, experts will discuss and debate the prospects and purposes of the US-Russian confrontation, how the sides perceive its outcome and results in the near- and middle-term future, role of sanctions in the Russia-West relations and what purposes do they serve, modern trade wars and its influence on international economic integration and liberalization. This discussion aims to contribute to the study of economic sanctions as the new normality in the international relations.

NB! Number of participants is limited!


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