• 30 августа 2018, четверг
  • Москва, ул. Малая Ордынка, 17

III International Conference “US-Russian Student Dialogue”

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Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
2324 дня назад
с 10:00 30 августа до 18:00 31 августа 2018
ул. Малая Ордынка, 17

On August 30 – 31, 2018 III annual US-Russia Student Dialogue Conference will take place at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. The goal of the conference is to bring together young student leaders and scholars to present their views on the current state of relations and to look for common reference points in improving them.

The conference, hosted by the Higher School of Economics, will be brilliant opportunity for students in both countries to share original research (that they’ve either completed, are still working on, or are simply proposing) and add to the discussion of how the US – Russian relations might be developed in face of global challenges.

First day of the conference is dedicated to development of skills necessary for the young leaders today, role of international business and cross-cultural communication in the US-Russian relations.

Second day concentrates on the sustainability of the US-Russian relations in context of global challenges, foreign and domestic policies, international security and arms control


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